Monday, July 13, 2009

How can I cure panic attacks without medication?

I took the webinar from Howie at, and decided to act upon his challenge to do something. I downloaded his PDF of 36 Niche markets and the second download of 10 more. i stucied them and chose the Niche market on How to cure Panic attacks.

I used Howies new techniques to research keywords, looking for the long tail that would work for this Niche market, and found whaqt i believe will be a winner, it has over 200,000 hits but no specific competition in the form of someone having an optomised site with those words!

Then I made a directory for the site and cloned the affiliate page adding my title tag and meta data to the cloned page. Now, I have a site which is optimized for my keyword string!

Then I used Traffic Geyser to post a Video that I made about how to cure panic attacks or anxiety attacks without medication and posted the video to 30 video sites 10 podcast sites and a blog.

Having done that, I wrote an article and a newsrelease on the subject, and I am hoping that this may lead to something. I know that i will have to keep this up, but i am also going to set up leadcapture pages and promote the lcp pages so that i can develop a downline which receives sequential letters on the panic attack subject.

My Links

Lonny Heiner

How can I cure panic attacks without medication?

How Can I Cure Panic Attacks Without Medication?

I have just posted over 30 videos on this subject, so do a search for "how do I cure panic attacks without medication" and you will find all of the answers that you need.

You can also just go to and get all of the information that you need.

Lonny Heiner
